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Biologist Ernesto García Arias

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the Biological and Agricultural Sciences University Center (CUCBA) of the University of Guadalajara. He first came to “Tarantulas of Mexico” in March, 2007 to do his required social service because he has always been interested in wild fauna, their appropriate and sustainable management, as well as the way UMAs work. Here, he has learned about the biology and handling of arthropods in captivity.

When he finished his social services, he was given the opportunity to work at “Tarantulas of Mexico”, convinced that it is necessary to reproduce in captivity species that are commercially exploited in order to achieve a balance in the ecosystem. This is why he is proud to contribute to the conservation of Mexican tarantulas.

He finished his social services and, while also working at “Tarantulas of Mexico”, he conducted his professional practices at BIOS, an environmental consulting company, where he performed monitoring tasks for species in extensive fauna preservation units, hunting activity reports, as well as environmental impact for construction companies. There, he learned all about bureaucratic procedures for SEMARNAT.

He has been a falconer since 2000, and is concerned about the harm inflicted by falconry to the birds of prey populations, as well as on the game. This is why, when he concluded his studies, he decided to contribute to the conservation of birds of prey by creating his own preservation unit, RAPAZ, where he has attempted to reproduce Harris hawks (Parabuteo unisictus), red-tailed hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), and American kestrels (Falco sparverius), which are the birds of prey most commonly used in our country for low-flying falconry. These birds are commonly removed from their habitats illegally to be sold or used in falconry.

With this preservation unit, he intends to promote the creation of new game animal preservation units geared towards falconry, where falconers can legally practice this artful medieval sport, purchasing bird bands, as well as birds bred in captivity (at a preservation unit, such as RAPAZ).

Through this, he intends to persuade falconers to practice environmentally responsible falconry by hunting in extensive preservation units authorized by the SEMARNAT, and convincing them to remove the live prey and release it again, or exchange wild game for rabbits or farm ducks.

He also volunteers at the SEMARNAT CIVS (Wild-life research center) in Guadalajara, where he collaborates with another five falconers in the rehabilitation of birds of prey that have been confiscated or have been illegally traded. These birds are later released in an environment appropriate to their needs, as far as possible from human contact.

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